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головна сторінка > Теорія > Англійська мова > Службові частини мови > Прийменник > § 1.2

§ 1.2. Види прийменників

Прийменники місця (Prepositions of Place)

onнаThe pencil-box is on the desk.
inв, наThe books are in the schoolbag.
atу, вI study at school.
aboveнадThe lamp is above the table.
underпідThe cat is under the bench.
before (in front of)передНе is sitting before (in front of) the pupils.
nearбіляThe bookcase is near the door.
betweenміжНе sat between his two sisters.
amongсередThe boy was standing among the girls.
acrossчерезI live across the street.

Прийменники напрямку (Prepositions of Direction)

intoвI am putting the book into the bag.
out ofізI am taking the money out of my pocket.
fromізI come from school at 4 p.m.
toв, уShe goes to school at eight o'clock in the morning.
upвверхThey are going up the stairs.
downвнизI am going down the stairs.
acrossчерезThe children are running across the field.
alongпoI met him walking along the street.

Прийменники часу (Prepositions of Time)

atо, вThe lesson begins at nine o'clock.
inв, черезIn summer we get up early in the morning.
onвSchool begins on the 1st of September.
fromзLast year I stayed in the country from July to September.
till (until)доOur lessons will continue till June.
beforeпередMany new houses were built before the war.
afterпісляAfter the examinations we shall have our summer vacation.
byпротягомOur classes are over by the end of May.
duringдоMany children go to the country during their summer vacation.
forпротягомIn summer we rest for two months.
betweenміжCome and see me between four and five.

Дивіться також:

  • Уживання прийменника
  • Сполучник (The Conjunction)
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