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головна сторінка > Теорія > Англійська мова > Дієслово > § 7

§ 7. Дієслова to do, to be, to have

Дієслово to do

Do you speak English?

They don't know German.

They will do their work tonight.

I haven't done it.

Do write to me.

He did understand this rule.

Уживання змістового дієслова to do

I (you, we, they) do.Do I (you, we, they) do?I (you, we, they) don't do.
He (she, it) does. Does he (she, it) do?He (she, it) doesn't do.
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) did.Did I (you, he, she, it, we, they) do?I (you, he, she, it, we, they) didn't do.

Дієслово to be

He is writing a letter.
She was invited to the party.
He is a pupil.They are in London.You are to come at 5 p.m.

Уживання змістового дієслова to be

I am.Am I?I am not.
You (we, they) are.Are you (we, they)?You (we, they) are not.
He (she, it) is.Is he (she, it)?He (she, it) is not.
I (he, she, it) was.Was I (he, she, it)?I (he, she, it) was not.
You (we, they) were.Were you (we, they)?You (we, they) were not.

Дієслово to have

He has returned from Oxford.
She had been working here before she left.
He has a house.
I have got a sister.
We have breakfast at 8 a.m.They have to go to the library.
We had to help him.

Уживання змістового дієслова to have

I (you, we, they) have.Do I (you, we, they) have?I (you, we, they) don't have.
He (she, it) has.Does he (she, it) have?He (she, it) doesn't have.
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) had.Did I (you, he, she, it, we, they) have?I (you, he, she, it, we, they) didn't have.

Уживання змістового дієслова to have got

I (you, we, they) have got.Have I (you, we, they) got?I (you, we, they) haven't got.
He (she, it) has got.Has he (she, it) got?He (she, it) hasn't got.

Дивіться також:

  • Інфінітивні звороти (Infinitive Constructions)
  • Пасивний стан (The Passive Voice)
  • Особливості модальних дієслів
  • Уживання інфінітивної частки to
  • Дієслово can (could)
  • Інфінітив (The Infinitive) та його вживання
  • Якщо Ви помітили помилку, виділіть необхідний текст та натисніть Ctrl+Enter

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